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Online Registration/Registration Forms


***Please Read Completely***

This year and going forward, East Mills CSD will be using Infinite Campus and Parent Portal for registration. This means that at least one parent/guardian is required to have a Parent Portal account. If you do not have an IC Parent Portal account or need to reset your password, please contact Jen Shaw at jshaw@emschools.org or (712) 624-8700. 

You can find the portal by either visiting the website www.emschools.org and clicking on the "Parent/Student Portal" link shown in the middle of the homepage, or by downloading the "Campus Parent" app for your smartphone. 


When going through the information for your household, it is important to:

  • Make sure all phone numbers, email addresses, and mailing addresses are up-to-date. Remember that communication from the school (snow day alerts, report cards, etc.) will come to you via these routes so it is important to have all information on file.
  • Make sure names are complete and spelled correctly. Students are required to have their legal first and last name on file.

To find this information on the portal, please click on "More" and go through the "Address Information" and "Family Information" tabs to make sure that the information is correct. If changes need to be made, please click on the "Update" button next to the information needing to be corrected. If you are having problems updating your information, please contact Jen Shaw via the information provided above. 


There are fees associated with the registration process. Some fees are required (textbook, computer fee) and will have already been assigned to your student, while others are optional (activity ticket) and you may choose to add them to your account. In order to pay fees:

  • Select "Fees," select the correct school year, add that fee to your cart. *Activity tickets may be purchased by selecting "Optional Payments" or by going through the School Store. Once fees have been selected, please click on the cart icon and complete the payment process. **There is a Family Maximum of $130 for the textbook fee (does not include computer fee). If your household payment exceeds the $130 maximum, please contact your building secretary for adjustments. **
  • If you believe that your household qualifies for the Free/Reduced meal program, please complete that process first before attempting to pay any fees. Instructions for completing the information for the Free/Reduced meal program are listed below, or you may contact Jen Shaw at jshaw@emschools.org or (712) 624-8700


For the very first time, applications for the Free/Reduced meal program can now be completed online via the Parent Portal!

  • When you log into your portal account, click on the menu icon in the upper left corner of the page, click on "More," and then select "Meal Benefits." Infinite Campus will walk you through the application process.
  • If you encounter any problems, please contact Jen Shaw via the information listed above. 

If you prefer to fill out a paper application, you may download and print a copy of the form that is listed in the table below, or you may pick up a paper application from the office at either the Elementary or the Jr/Sr High School. You may also fill out a paper application during In-Person Registration on Tuesday, August 6th at East Mills Elementary.


This, along with the Free/Reduced meal applications, is the other part of registration that is new to Parent Portal. Going forward, documents such as the a la carte form, photography form, and computer use form, wll be on Parent Portal and tied directly to each student's account. The advantage of this is that parents will only have to fill out each form once (unless future changes need to be made) and that form will follow the student throughout their academic career. **The computer use form is age specific and parents may see a new form appear in the portal as their student progresses through the grade levels.** To access these forms:

  • Select "Documents," select the form to be completed, enter information, sign and submit form.
  • Documents only require the signature of one parent/guardian. Students with multiple households do not need signatures from both households to complete the form. If you have questions, please contact Jen Shaw at the information listed above. 
  • If circumstances change and permissions or information need to be updated, a new document can be assigned to the student to be completed in the portal.  You will need to contact Jen Shaw if this situation arises. 


All East Mills students are admitted to any home event (regular season sporting events, plays, etc.) for free. We do require that all other spectators pay an admission fee. However, East Mills does offer an Activity Ticket for sale each school year. An activity ticket is $50/card and allows the card holder to enter any regular season home event without paying an additional admission fee. The activity ticket is valid for one school year. Activity tickets are available for purchase through the portal, from the School Store, or you may purchase an activity ticket in-person from the Jr/Sr High School. Activity tickets purchased online may be picked up from the front office at the Jr/Sr High School. 


*High School Students:  The schedules that you see on your portal are not be finalized and may be subject to change.  If you have questions, you may contact Mrs. Linke at klinke@emschools.org 


** New Students must register in person. Please contact Jen Shaw at jshaw@emschools.org


We are eagerly looking forward to another successful school year!  It's always GREAT day to be a Wolverine!!!

New Student Home Language Survey Forms (PreK - 12) **Only to be used for NEW students**

Free/Reduced Forms (PreK-12) Applications may now be done through the Parent Portal, but if you prefer a paper copy, one can be printed via this link. 

A la Carte Form (PreK-12) Fill out on Parent Portal

Administration Authorization (PreK-12)

**Print, fill out, & return to school if your student will have meds at school (prescription or over the counter)**

                                      You may also pick up a form in person from your school nurse. 

Photography/Newspaper Interview Permission Form (PreK-12) Fill out on Parent Portal
Computer Use Agreement Form (PreK-4)  Fill out on Parent Portal
Computer Use Agreement Form (5-12)  Fill out on Parent Portal & Student Portal **Requires parent AND student signature
Athletic Forms (7-12) **PDF; Print and return to school**
Vision Screening Form (Kindergarten & 3rd grade only) **PDF; Print and take to appointment**
Dental Screening Form (Kindergarten & 9th grade only) **PDF; Print and take to appointment**
7th/12th Immunization Letter (7th &12th grades only)

Public Health Immunization Letter (5-12)

Student Health History(PreK-12)  Fill out on Parent Portal 
Jr/Sr High School New Student Information Sheet (New Students & incoming 7th Grade Students)


Preschool Application Information   **4 yr. old only**

The table below provides the paperwork necessary in order to register for East Mills Preschool. 

Preschool Application  **Must be printed and filled out
ASQ-3 Questionnaire  **Must be printed and filled out**
ASQ: SE Questionnaire   **Must be printed and filled out**