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PreK & Kindergarten Round Up

Preschool and Kindergarten Round-Up Parent Meeting


When: Monday, April 7th - parent/guardian meeting (prefer no children)

Location: East Gym 

Preschool: 5:30 PM

Kindergarten: 6:15 PM


Hear from the classroom teachers, principal, nurse, and a few other staff members about what your child’s preschool or kindergarten experience will be like at East Mills. We will fill out paperwork, discuss what immunizations and health appointments you may need to do before starting school, register in our parent portal - Infinite Campus, talk about school expectations and rules, basic procedures, what they will learn, what East Mills can offer, and get a tour of the building. 


Our preschool is Tuesday - Friday, there is no preschool on Mondays. Students can utilize school transportation to and from school. At max, we can have 38 preschoolers. Your child must be 4 years old on or before September 15, 2025. If you live outside the East Mills school district, you do not have to open enroll, students can go to preschool anywhere. 


Kindergarten is Monday - Friday. Your child must be 5 years old on or before September 15, 2025. If you live outside the school district, you will need to open enroll into East Mills. 


School hours are 8:15 AM - 3:15 AM. Students can arrive by 7:45 AM. Bus transportation is provided within the district boundaries. 


Proof of birthdate (birth certificate or passport) and immunization records are required for school enrollment. We can make copies of these documents on the 7th or 11th. 


Please fill out the below form if interested or know you will be attending

Friday, April 11th from 9 - 11 AM, students are encouraged to come to school and experience 2 hours being a preschooler or kindergartener. We would prefer parents drop students off and pick them up, not hang out with their child in the classrooms.